The arrival of the warm weather season can only mean one thing. The golf clubs need to be dusted off, the range is open, and it's time to get together with some friends for a Saturday afternoon game. Most golfers, however, find their first day out disappointing. The same goes for first-timers. Here are some reasons you should consider golf lessons, whether you're picking up golf as a hobby or heading out for your regular golf summer.

1. New To Golf
As with any skill, there are good golf habits and bad golf habits. If you're a new player, though, you can't tell the difference between the two. For example, are you gripping the club the right way?
The ball can go just about anywhere if you grip it too tightly or too loosely. Anywhere but where you want, that is. A golf lessons from a PGA pro can give you a stable foundation for building your skills.
2. Out Of Practice
Most golfers only play for a limited amount of months due to seasons changing and diverse weather. It is likely that muscle memory will get you through a round of golf, but you shouldn't expect a great performance. When you do something on a regular basis, you build a kind of instinct or intuition about it. Let the practice drop and that instinct fades. Getting lessons helps you rebuild some of that intuition.
3. Your Game Gets Worse
At some point, it happens to almost everyone. Your game suddenly gets worse for no apparent reason. Of course, there is a reason. Say you twist your wrist and experience some swelling. It might feel fine by the weekend, but it can change your grip.
A few golf lessons can help you pinpoint what changed in your game.
4. Your Game Isn't Getting Any Better
Most amateur athletes hit a certain point and their game stops improving. Age contributes, but it's the rare amateur who plays at their peak. Golf lessons let you correct the flaws that creep into your swing or short game over time.
You can improve your game a lot by making these corrections without spending countless hours on the range or course.
5. Get Expert Advice On Your Gear
You might meet a certain kind of person on the golf course. It's that person who constantly upgrades their clubs, grips, or balls based on the latest fashion and trends.
For the most part, a good golfer will play a good round even with mediocre equipment. A bad golfer will play a bad round even with the latest Taylormade Stealth driver.
Getting a second opinion from a pro isn't a bad idea if you're still using the same clubs you used ten years ago. After the lesson, they can give you some honest advice about whether an equipment upgrade can realistically improve your game or if an upgrade is not needed.
Thanks for reading! If you are ready to up your game? Contact our PGA Pros an get a lesson booked in today!